In the first part of this article series, I share my professional opinion that the lifestyle choices outside of your fitness program ultimately affect your fitness goals and results. In the second part, I gave you the science behind the reasoning. In the third part, my goal is to make some useful conclusions, and leave you better prepared to get the results you are looking for fitness in the years to come.
review of the research: Current research suggests that life-event stress, inadequate sleep and poor nutrition exercise can lead to elevated cortisol levels. Scientists believe that excess cortisol can lead to various health problems, including impaired carbohydrate metabolism, and increased abdominal fat. In the exercise setting, excessive cortisol can lead to immunity and overtraining syndrome. In addition, research suggests that lifestyle may affect the exercise related to cortisol release. So, people with high stress lifestyle will release more cortisol during intense exercise than with someone who is a lower stress level.
In their experience, I found that if someone is making a living that would promote the excessive cortisol response, I will reduce the overall duration of their exercise program over a period of one week. In severe cases, can also reduce the intensity vježbe.Najbolja options, in terms of achieving measurable physical improvements, it would be for a person to get more sleep, eliminate unnecessary stress, and eating an adequate supply of total calories and carbohydrates. If people do not follow these recommendations and continue with the typical program length and intensity of exercise prescribed for someone with lower levels of stress, they are likely to have fat loss and increase the power stopped, developed a cold within a short time, or more, but was injured. the body can only take so much before it gives in
for long-term results, you need to consider these non-training variables and how they affect your life. They are also wise to adjust your exercise program accordingly. You May consider use of a personal fitness trainer with a good reputation and an impressive track record. If you decide to go this route, discuss these ideas with them. If it does not seem to get it, run the other way. You want a coach who understands how these variables affect your life and your fitness results.
If you try to do on your own, be aware of signs of overtraining. If you're feeling that you're over-doing it, back off. Some of the easiest ways to tell you that May be overtraining becomes Moody from typical, as well as significantly reduce the enjoyment of exercise. Researchers have discovered that the mood of extraordinary measures overtraining in athletes. The survey measures called profile mood states (POMS), the researchers found that most trainees will have more power and less tension, depression, anger and fatigue than the general public. However, it can turn into overtraining in athletes who trained and showed lower strength and greater tension, depression, anger and fatigue than the general public.
In this fast-paced world, effective people know that they need to stay fit to stay on top of their game. However, many high-achievers to push hard and do not listen to their bodies and pay attention to other lifestyle variables. Your body is a machine that can keep going without any maintenance checks or repairs. Paying close attention to your sleep, nutrition, and stress will help you learn more about how to perform optimally, and that will help you enjoy a fit and healthy lifestyle for years to come.
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