Work Stress

Posted by nostress on Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Stress can be positive in the competitive environment, helping one to work harder. Some people are able to handle stress in moderation, while others unfortunately are not able to make stress work for them. Stress on the job usually does not stay on the [...]
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No Stress No-Brainer With Gazebo Plans

Posted by nostress on Sunday, September 25, 2011

First, the most important thing you should do before you even take one of those gazebo plans on the Internet is to consult with their leaders, neighborhood groups or, more importantly, the local government. They will provide you with notice of any restrictions [...]
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How to Manage the Job Stress - Innovative Ideas to a Happy Life

Posted by nostress

Ukratko, stres management je ništa drugo nego samoupravljanje. Vi samo trebate analizirati svoj ​​život i postaviti svoje prioritete. U tom smislu, saznajte najisplativijih djelatnosti svog života i dati im najviše vrijednosti vrijeme tvoje. Prevladavanje [...]
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A Simple Secret to Stress Management

Posted by nostress on Saturday, September 24, 2011

Living in accelerating the commitment of our current global society, it is likely that you are well aware of their stress levels and the possible consequences of not dealing with it. You've probably heard about all the techniques to get a handle on stress: [...]
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Dark Chocolate - A Great Stress Reliever

Posted by nostress on Thursday, September 22, 2011

Chocolate is the most luscious, most tempting and most irresistible desserts all over the planet. One look at it is enough to tell you that it is very tasty and only a small bite could trigger a craving and you would end up asking for more. What is it [...]
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Where Can a Nurse Turn When Stressed?

Posted by nostress on Wednesday, September 21, 2011

nurses have said that most of the day. Long hours, short staffing, high acuity, piles of paperwork, less quality time with patients and the continuing change and uncertainty in the health care system creates a recipe for high stress and burnout. Would [...]
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Physical Fitness, Stress And Immunity Against Illnesses

Posted by nostress on Monday, September 19, 2011

Stress is an important factor that affects all of us in today's svijetu.Glavni antidote to overcome our stress is physical fitness. In addition to combat stress, physical fitness gives a feeling of wellbeing that is of inestimable value. Today, it is [...]
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